With acne and dry skin being a common problem for me, you can bet that I have pretty much bought every kind of product on the market looking for that cure which eludes so many of us who suffer from acne. Acne products and beauty products are a serious industry with a lot of might with thousands of different products to choose from, leading to people like me spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars on them trying to cure their ills. With Vinevera I was finally able to find something that at least helped mitigate a lot of the issues that are associated with acne.
Dry skin is just one of those problems. Redness, flaky skin and general discomfort are just a couple to name a plethora of problems that may arise thanks to the presence of acne. As acne can often leave open wounds and sores on the skin, they can invite a host of bacteria and dirt to start clogging the pores which only repeats the cycle of acne. Sometimes I cannot help but think that the industry is actually doing as little as they can to actively treat acne itself in order to always have a product to sell the people.
Think about it! Without acne, how much money would they lose? Acne is nothing but a bacteria and many of us mistake it for something else. We see the product of acne, the swollen sores and the white heads but we can't see the bacteria that is lurking within our skin. I really do believe that most of the companies creating and producing acne products are only attempting to treat the symptoms and not the acne itself. That is going to take something like an antibiotic rather than a cleanser, although a cleanser may help temporarily.