A Peer-to-peer File Sharing Site is the Answer That I Needed
I have quite a number of CDs in my music collection. I went through them a couple of months ago in order to organize them and see just how many I have, and the number turned out to be 1,235 music CDs. I also have a large movie DVD collection, with around 500 different movies. I have always wondered how to back up my collections in case something happens to the CDs and DVDs due to fire or some other hazard. A friend told me that I could get backup files from the Pirate Bay rather easily.
Because I had not heard of the site before, I did a quick search to learn that it is a site that allows file sharing. You basically downloaded a free torrent program to your computer and then connect to the site. You will then be able to do a search to find all the files you want to download for backup purposes.
I was curious to see if they would have only some of the movies and music I wanted. I pulled out 10 CDs from obscure bangs and then 10 foreign language movie DVDs. I did a search for every one of them on the site, and was surprised to see that every one of the titles I looked up were available through the site! This was a fantastic. It mean I would not have to buy a separate program to rip copies of everything in my collection. I could simply get what I needed from the site and then burn the files to CDs.
If anyone ever burglarizes my home and takes my music or movies, or there’s a fire in my home that damages everything. I will have extra copies so that I am not forced to go out and buy what was already mine.